How to Quit Your Job in the Great Post-Pandemic Resignation Boom
If you’re ready to leave, here are some tips on engineering a smooth exit.
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If you’re ready to leave, here are some tips on engineering a smooth exit.
CareerFast Company
Culture is felt through the behaviors that are reinforced or discouraged on a day-to-day basis on teams. If you want to get a …
CareerHacker News
I’m an average developer looking for ways to work as little as humanely possible.
CareerAustin Z. Henley
I’ve been reflecting on rejections lately. I’ve been fortunate to have more successes than I had ever imagined, …
CareerStanford Graduate School of Business
New research shows that people of all ranks look to low-level peers for information about organizational social norms.
Even though the stories I’ll be sharing come from my marathon of technical interviews, these red flags do not apply …
CareerAndré Jonas
In the following 2 months I’ve applied to remote positions with over 10 companies hiring remotely such as 1Password, …
Career Remote WorkTemporary heresy
With the amount of conversations, conference talks and hype going on around talent, you would expect people will have an …
Career WorkBBC
I wondered: is it fair for a computer alone to accept or reject your job application?
Welcome to the fast-growing world of AI …
As employees in industries like tech, advertising and publishing have worked from home for the majority of 2020, the perks of …
CareerBenjamin Yolken
Two years ago, I did something that I’d never done in my career before- I left a job (at Nuro) only a few months after …
CareerZain Rizvi
In the decade since I’ve lost track of how many hours I’ve spent in the interview room, on both sides of the …
CareerZain Amro
Today, there’s an interesting startup dilemma that has become more obvious in the collective consciousness of tech …
CareerThe Atlantic
But I had started to wonder: Can I really keep this going? I work like a maniac. But even if I stayed at it 12 hours a day, …
CareerFarnam Street
Performance reviews are designed to motivate and bring the best out of our teams, but they often do the opposite. …
CareerHacker News
I’m in the middle of a job search. Here are some stats:
People are the single most important asset in modern organizations. As talent scarcity is increasingly becoming one of the …
In recent years, America has increasingly been defined by a winner-take-all geography, with coastal superstar cities like New …
Career WorkBarron's
Two-sided ghosting in this transactional world signals that the two sides are no longer very invested in making a good match. …
‘Do you have any questions for me?’ is a make-or-break moment.
CareerFirst Round Review
What follows is an exclusive list of 40 interview questions, sent to us by the sharpest folks we’ve met or just …
CareerFast Company
Most Americans say they would give up a more lucrative job for a more meaningful job that pays less in a heartbeat. But …
With many young professionals looking for a change, learning how to pivot is more important than ever.
CareerThe Wall Street Journal
Employers see surge in Gen Z CVs containing photos and illustrations; ’there’s a freaking bitmoji'.
CareerJulia Evans
It’s frustrating to have done something really important and later realize that you didn’t get rewarded for it …
These days, the average American’s career includes 15 job changes, according to a 2016 LinkedIn report. Getting to the …
CareerHacker News
For the past several years I’ve been putting in a lot of time into learning and sharing people skills (without the …
CareerThe New York Times
Are you passionate about your work? Fulfilled in every aspect of your career?
If yes, congratulations! You’ve done what …
CareerDerek Sivers
So my advice is: Change careers like Tarzan.
Don’t let go of the old one until the new one is supporting you.
And make …
CareerCBS News
A college education is still considered a pathway to higher lifetime earnings and gainful employment for Americans. …
Career Life