
Explore our curated career articles and discover actionable career advice, job interview tips, and career guides to help you go through the most important stages of planning, managing and evaluating your career.

Austin Z. Henley

All my career rejections

I’ve been reflecting on rejections lately. I’ve been fortunate to have more successes than I had ever imagined, …


Temporary heresy

Talent is largely a myth

With the amount of conversations, conference talks and hype going on around talent, you would expect people will have an …

Career Work

Benjamin Yolken

Quitting a new job

Two years ago, I did something that I’d never done in my career before- I left a job (at Nuro) only a few months after …


Derek Sivers

Change careers like Tarzan

So my advice is: Change careers like Tarzan.

Don’t let go of the old one until the new one is supporting you.

And make …


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