Greg Kamradt
What I say to people who are looking for a job
I took a turn in my career, not a complete 180°, but around 60°. After I got my new role, I did a video explaining my process …
CareerExplore our curated career articles and discover actionable career advice, job interview tips, and career guides to help you go through the most important stages of planning, managing and evaluating your career.
Greg Kamradt
I took a turn in my career, not a complete 180°, but around 60°. After I got my new role, I did a video explaining my process …
CareerI miss working with people and want to go back to having office friends (at least for a while), but I am not sure on how to …
Career Digital NomadIrrational Exuberance
What I’ve slowly but increasingly come to believe is that there is much more opportunity outside career ladders than …
CareerHacker News
Emotionally detaching.
CareerLeonardo Federico
Hiring is broken on so many different levels, and it starts right there, at the job offer description. It then continues all …
Career80,000 Hours
People who made a change on an important question gained 2.2 points of happiness out of 10, while those who made a change on …
CareerKellogg Insight
Looking at the career histories of thousands of scientists, artists, and film directors, the team found evidence that hot …
CareerThe Atlantic
A major new study questions the common wisdom about how we should choose our careers.
When making a big professional change, you may not feel you’re entitled to ask for more money. Do it anyway.
Career MoneyKevin von Horn
There are three reasons you should refuse to provide your references until after the interviews are over.
The 2017-2018 MIT Career Development Handbook.
CareerBetter Humans
Being an introvert doesn’t mean you lack great management potential—but you need to play to your strengths.
CareerFast Company
Just 29% of hiring managers look at an applicant’s LinkedIn profile, while 38% search for social media accounts, the …
CareerStuffed Blocks
A career is about allocating attention. Each unit of attention has an expected return and opportunity costs. Allocate …
CareerWait But Why
This post isn’t me giving you career advice really—it’s a framework that I think can help you make career …
CareerAccelerated Intelligence
The warning against being a generalist has persisted for hundreds of years in dozens of languages. “Equipped with …
Career WorkMarty Nemko
If you are a star—very bright, talented, motivated, and personable and you have a passion, even if it’s in a …
The job search can feel like one big Catch-22: “How the hell am I supposed to get experience if I can’t get a job …
CareerHacker News
I’m not talking about switching professions at some point in your life. More specifically, doing your career over again …
CareerThe New York Times
I’m a millennial computer scientist who also writes books and runs a blog. Demographically speaking I should be a heavy …
CareerHacker News
I’ve been off work for a year, and been doing minor projects/freelancing for some small companies as I backpack and …
CareerHacker News
I want to find good clients, or work remotely for a startup, and to do that I need to make a resume(or CV?). So I wanted to …
Being a portfolioist goes beyond freelancing, though some portfolioists may also be self-employed. It’s not about …
CareerHacker Noon
To be successful over the course of a career requires the application and accumulation of expertise. This assumes that for …
CareerThis Programming Life
This is a story about finding a job as a senior software engineer in Toronto - with a twist: just having moved there from …
CareerHarvard Business Review
So what should you do if you are interested in communicating your talents to others without coming across as a show-off or as …
It depends.
Career WorkHacker News
There’s a lot of talk about remote work nowadays. But has the lack of being able to be with co-workers harmed your …
Career Remote WorkBlair Reeves
Here’s my pitch: go do a stint in Sales. If I were early in my career and looking to boost my long-term trajectory, I …
CareerHacker Noon
I’ve found that many people work to live, rather than live to work. If you really want to live, you’ll need to …