The Conversation
There's a strong link between anxiety and depression, and sleep problems, and it goes both ways
The majority of evidence suggests the relationship between sleep problems and anxiety and depression is strong and goes both …
HealthAcross our curated articles on health, you'll find a range of guides, research studies, and actionable tips on sleep, how to stay healthy in the workplace, when you travel and work remotely.
The Conversation
The majority of evidence suggests the relationship between sleep problems and anxiety and depression is strong and goes both …
HealthThe New York Times
The reason we don’t all walk around in a state of perpetual jet lag, waking and sleeping at random, is that our …
Some people—even those who are strong and healthy—are totally convinced that disease is just around the corner… Now, a …
HealthThe Atlantic
Should you drink more coffee? Should you take melatonin? Can you train yourself to need less sleep? A physician’s guide …
HealthSitting at my desk all day is getting the best of me. I’d like to receive some information, ideas, or exercises I can …
Health WorkCurious to hear if there are any current or former digital nomads here who have had to deal with getting frequent …
Digital Nomad HealthQuartz
As the US economy has improved—with six years of unbroken job growth and even an uptick in wages—a greater share of those gig …
Gig Economy HealthScience of Us
While the traditional benefits of vigorous exercise — like prevention and treatment of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, …
HealthAmbition & Balance - by Doist
It’s one thing to read all of the anecdotal evidence and science-backed facts about the benefits of a work-life …
The Japanese don’t sleep. They don’t nap. They do ‘inemuri’.
HealthOpen Blog
So what is indeed the healthiest way? And what can you change about your style today to get the biggest benefit?
HealthThe Art of Manliness
To get us humans moving forward again into what Winston Churchill called “the broad sunlit uplands” of a bright …
I’ve been itching to get a standing desk. After all, America’s sitting itself into an early grave. Sitting is the …
Health WorkMedium
I work long hours, in a chair, writing code (and of course this article applies to anyone who sits a lot). The sole reason I …
HealthNational Post
Poor workplace design takes a physical toll: Sitting is making us miserable. Canadians, on average, spend 37 hours a week at …
I’ll risk it, though, and tell you again that there really aren’t shortcuts to health. Here’s what you need …
HealthConstantly traveling the world for conferences and in the last 6 months especially have started gaining way too much weight. …
HealthOutside Online
These days, screen-addicted Americans are more stressed out and distracted than ever. And nope, there’s no app for …
When most people think about working in a home environment, they think they will be able to wake up late, work in their …
Health Remote WorkMedium
You realize that it’s not about hitting a goal weight, or lifting a weight. It’s about being able to wait. …
Exercise has potential to be an effective burnout intervention. Different types of exercise may assist employees in different …
As awesome as it may be to choose a different beautiful office every day, what many nomads are willfully ignoring is the fact …
Digital Nomad HealthNatural Running Center
Being untethered to time is the guiding principle behind free range running. Going watchless frees your mind up by not having …
HealthLocation Liberation
If you are a digital nomad or living location independently in one way or another; it can be especially difficult keep up …
Health TravelWill Gadd
Keep moving, keep breathing, keep the inertia on your side. Rest days should be a welcome anomaly, not a way of life. And …