
What's life? Across our curated articles and stories, you'll find a 21st Century perspective on topics such as life lessons, creativity, mindfulness, self-improvement, and much more.

Zen Habits

Filter Out the Noise

It can seem like our lives are filled with busyness, noise, distractions, and often meaningless activities. What if we could …



I am not a self-made man.

We all need fuel. Without the assistance, advice, and inspiration of others, the gears of our mind grind to a halt, and …


The New York Times

The Busy Person's Lies

A December Gallup poll found that 61 percent of working Americans said they did not have enough time to do the things they …


New Republic

The Perils of Peak Attention

Two new books assess the quality of our digital lives: How do we shake off the village when we carry the world in our pocket? …


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