
What's life? Across our curated articles and stories, you'll find a 21st Century perspective on topics such as life lessons, creativity, mindfulness, self-improvement, and much more.

Debarghya Das

Why are Adults so busy?

I’ve always wondered growing up - what makes adults so busy? Sure, you’re working a 40 hour a week job but the …


Signal v. Noise

I've never had a goal

I do things, I try things, I build things, I want to make progress, I want to make things better for me, my company, my …


Hacker News

When you feel stuck in life

You have the drive and motivation to get to your destination but once you are there – you’re left wondering …



The meanings of life

Happiness is not the same as a sense of meaning. How do we go about finding a meaningful life, not just a happy one?


Hacker News

How Did You Start Over?

Have you ever just said F@#%k it? ..Wiped the slate clean? Just dropped the mic…and walked away into a whole new …


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