The New York Times
I Used to Fear Being a Nobody. Then I Left Social Media.
My wanting to share every waking thought became eclipsed by a desire for an increasingly rare commodity — a private life.
LifeThe New York Times
My wanting to share every waking thought became eclipsed by a desire for an increasingly rare commodity — a private life.
I’ll be honest — the first few months were bleak. I didn’t have any projects lined up when I made the leap to …
FreelanceAmbition & Balance - by Doist
Building a company culture that assumes your team can’t be trusted is like playing basketball with one hand tied behind …
Remote WorkBYU
The impostor syndrome, a phenomenon that manifests when people feel like frauds even if they are actually capable and …
LifeThe New York Times
“Hacking” your work only works if you’re a person who would be congratulated for your ingenuity. If …
We’re remote because people stopped showing up. In the beginning, there was no office because it was me in the …
Remote WorkPaul Jarvis
Passion or love doesn’t have to be part of the work/job equation. The value of work is that you get paid to do it, not …
WorkTim Harford
Travellers are well used to these: the strange cover charge in the tourist-trap restaurant; the outrageous price of the hotel …
Human language is amazingly creative. If you make up a sentence of any complexity, and search for that exact sentence on the …
LanguageSo a couple weeks ago, we had a pretty ridiculous fiasco with Airbnb, in which they claimed that “A fan legally …
Digital Nomad TravelBBC
The flight shame movement is about feeling accountable for your carbon footprint
The Wall Street Journal
The personal-finance playbook followed by past generations doesn’t add up for many people the way it used to. …
MoneyOur World in Data
The world needs ideas and innovation to make progress against the many problems we face. Creative and talented people that …
It’s still the best way to communicate professionally, but only if you follow these guidelines.
WorkThe Costa Rica Star
President Carlos Alvarado has officially signed the work-from-home bill into law, which allows telecommuting as an …
Remote WorkElemental
The trouble with exercise is that it’s easy to avoid. Only 23% of American adults meet the federal recommendations for …
HealthThe New York Times
In the era of the virtual office, when even workers who are physically present often wall off their senses with oversized …
WorkHacker News
I know there are plenty of benefits of working remote such as flexibility. I would love to know about some of the issues you …
Remote WorkThe Onion
Saying he had wholly misread his office mate’s mild, occasional interest in talking to him, sources confirmed Monday …
WorkThe New York Times
Gen Z-ers and millennials have been called lazy and entitled. Could they, instead, be among the first to understand the …
Life WorkAre you planning on traveling until you find somewhere you want to live forever, or will you eventually return to your home …
Digital NomadQuartz
Are you reading this on a handheld device? There’s a good chance you are. Now imagine how’d you look if that …
More than 120 million workers globally will need retraining in the next three years due to artificial intelligence’s …
Future of WorkThe Startup
This means that companies are now in a position, if they choose, to give any worker the choice of whether they want to do …
Remote WorkOpen Blog
In this post I’ll share the four biggest lessons I’ve learned on how to create remote work spaces and routines …
Remote WorkThe New York Times
One writer, in his 50s, has applied to more than 100 jobs. And a second has had it up to her silver bob with younger …
Future of Work WorkForge
How to find your ideal space for focus, collaboration, or creativity.
Productivity WorkMcSweeney's
Good news! In response to your “concerns” about our current open-plan creative campus, we are pleased to announce …
WorkUp and to the Right
Many of my anxieties, worries, and decisions tend to get warped, distorted, and intermixed in my mind as I sit there mulling …
LifeThe Guardian
An underpopulated region in southern Italy is offering newcomers €700 per month for three years to live in one of its …
Life Travel