The Conversation
Why I quit my day job researching happiness and started cycling to Bhutan
I’d had enough. It was October 2017, and I’d been wondering what the point of my job was for far too long, and …
HappinessThe Conversation
I’d had enough. It was October 2017, and I’d been wondering what the point of my job was for far too long, and …
HappinessFirst Round Review
What follows is an exclusive list of 40 interview questions, sent to us by the sharpest folks we’ve met or just …
CareerFor me it was my camera, what have you bought that made your travellers life easier/more fruitful?
Digital Nomad TravelAVC
I feel that the ability to spin up and then successfully operate remote engineering locations is a skill that technology …
Remote WorkThe Wall Street Journal
Workers are fueling a renaissance in American cities that lie outside the major job hubs.
Future of Work Remote WorkThe New York Times
California legislators approved a landmark bill on Tuesday that requires companies like Uber and Lyft to treat contract …
Gig EconomyElemental
Daily walks, quiet rooms, and tech-free mornings. The strategies for achieving better health in the digital age are pretty …
Work-Life BalancePopula
The rare, forgotten feeling of knowing that someone else, someone responsible, is taking care of life for you.
The top 10 most liveable cities in the world, and their scores according to The Global Liveability Index 2019, are:
Aimen's Blog
Today, I’m sharing my journey with you to help you. To help someone who is struggling to code, who is struggling to …
Remote WorkProject Syndicate
One should always be wary of simple solutions to complex problems, and universal basic income is no exception. The fact that …
Basic IncomeAssociated Press News
Marriott International, the world’s largest hotel chain, said Wednesday it will eliminate small plastic bottles of …
TravelTim Harford
I rely on Google Calendar to tell me where I am supposed to be, when and with whom. When the service collapsed for an …
WorkFast Company
Most Americans say they would give up a more lucrative job for a more meaningful job that pays less in a heartbeat. But …
CareerHacker News
Whether it’s monetized or just a hobby, should you disclose it if there’s no conflict of interest?
Side ProjectThe Guardian
With communal space and amenities all shared in what are sometimes vast complexes, co-living is billed as a solution to the …
ColivingTeresa M Douglas
We may look like we’re all scrolling through social media in the car, but the truth is a little more nuanced. If you …
Remote WorkThe New York Times
I’ve often wondered how it would feel to work in an industry blamed for its outsize impact on global warming — say, oil …
The Nordic nation has embraced agile hours for decades. It’s a style of work well suited to the country’s …
Remote WorkBBC
There are no official numbers for how many microworkers there are, but tens of thousands are estimated to work on …
Gig Economy Remote WorkJSTOR Daily
A distinctly American restlessness is inspiring some to abandon the idea of a permanent home, while others are displaced by …
Digital NomadForbes
I interviewed Joel and Courtney Seiter, Buffer’s director of people, to learn more about Joel’s personal …
Health Remote WorkStanford
Matchmaking is now done primarily by algorithms, according to new research from Stanford sociologist Michael Rosenfeld. His …
LifeI’m a little heartbroken here. I want to transition my career to a remote job and been actively applying for positions. …
Remote WorkBloomberg
With many young professionals looking for a change, learning how to pivot is more important than ever.
CareerRed Shift
I get a lot of questions about how I juggled both jobs, so here’s a glimpse into a typical day* in the life of a …
Remote WorkVimeo
A glimpse into the isolating world of a freelance motion designer.
Freelance Video1843
Was it invented in Kiev, Moscow, Paris…or the backroom of a British supermarket?
I couldn’t figure out why small, straightforward tasks on my to-do list felt so impossible. The answer is both more …
LifeThe Wall Street Journal
Employers see surge in Gen Z CVs containing photos and illustrations; ’there’s a freaking bitmoji'.