Farnam Street
The Danger of Comparing Yourself to Others
The most important things in life are measured internally. Thinking about what matters to you is hard. Playing to someone …
LifeFarnam Street
The most important things in life are measured internally. Thinking about what matters to you is hard. Playing to someone …
LifeAlexey Guzey
I combed through several years of my private notes and through everything I published on productivity before and tried to …
ProductivityHuman Parts
I’ve read several articles about the productivity benefits of waking up early — and I’m sure you have, too. These …
LifeHarvard Business Review
In a working paper currently under review, we studied the effects of a work-from-anywhere program initiated in 2012 among …
Remote WorkThe Post-Grad Survival Guide
The problem with travelling is that it makes it hard to get enough work done. It’s easy to assume it’s possible …
Digital Nomad Remote WorkMedium
The Kafkaesque bureaucracy that often goes into freelancing, gig work, and part-timing would be enough to turn off even those …
Future of WorkAeon
Imagine, for instance, that you are arguing with your partner. Adopting a third-person perspective might help you to …
LifeWe’ll monitor the price for you and if the price drops any time before departure, we’ll send you an email letting …
TravelTravel + Leisure
Last month, the travel company issued the results of a survey which said, given the ultimatum, 33 percent of American …
Life TravelHuman Parts
I’ve always had a tendency to focus on the negative — I’m trying to change that.
Unfortunately, there will come a point where over-tourism makes travel both logistically inconvenient and much less enjoyable …
TravelHacker News
Being a freelancer in Germany is possible and well-known if you have multiple clients throughout the year and follow some …
Remote WorkDistributed.blog
In this episode, Leo shares tips for distributed workers on how to build healthy habits and avoid the “loneliness …
Health Podcast Remote WorkA little background. Been a Digital Nomad for the past 3 years, solo traveler, male from Argentina.
I have my own startup, so …
Digital NomadJulia Evans
It’s frustrating to have done something really important and later realize that you didn’t get rewarded for it …
CareerMike Davidson
It’s been exactly one year since I joined InVision, and after learning the ropes of remote work at an 800+ person …
Remote WorkBloomberg
These days, the average American’s career includes 15 job changes, according to a 2016 LinkedIn report. Getting to the …
CareerAmbition & Balance - by Doist
Tips, resources, and a Todoist checklist for being successful as a “digital nomad”.
Digital Nomad Remote WorkTED
The more we rely on technology to make us efficient, the fewer skills we have to confront the unexpected, says writer and …
Future of WorkCityLab
New research finds that, when a neighborhood’s green space leads to better health outcomes, tree canopy provides most …
HealthHarvard Business Review
To our dismay, our study discovered a tendency on the part of managers to blame employees for the mistreatment they …
WorkOwl Labs
Creating airtight policies for remote work, flexible schedules, and working from home is essential for both you and your …
Remote WorkThe New York Times
We all wanted to swim faster and the more hysterically we tried, the more speed escaped us. The same goes for happiness. …
HappinessSignal v. Noise
Recently I hired someone new here at Know Your Team. Here’s exactly what I wrote on Day 1 and the 23 questions I asked …
WorkRolf Potts
In this episode of Deviate, Matt discusses what led him to travel, and adapting to life on the road; planning his first trip, …
Digital Nomad Podcast TravelThe Guardian
Neuroscientist Shane O’Mara believes that plenty of regular walking unlocks the cognitive powers of the brain like …
Happiness HealthDigitalOcean
Marcus Wermuth
In my first series I wanted to talk about what it means to be a leader in a distributed team.
Remote WorkForge
A script for convincing your manager to let you work from home or deviate from traditional work hours.
Remote WorkLighthouse
If you plan on hiring remote, or you have already recently, this post is for you.
Below we’ve broken down everything …
Remote Work