What inspired you to (want to) become a digital nomad
For me it was a series of things that lead to my epiphany that a DN life fit me. I struggled after the 2008 crash…I …
Digital NomadFor me it was a series of things that lead to my epiphany that a DN life fit me. I struggled after the 2008 crash…I …
Digital NomadThe Conversation
We all want other people to “get us” and appreciate us for who we really are. In striving to achieve such …
LifeHacker News
Emotionally detaching.
Across the United States, natural darkness is an endangered resource. East of the Mississippi, it is already extinct; even in …
Coworking spaces are growing. Each year they offer larger workspaces and serve more members than the year before. These …
CoworkingLeonardo Federico
Hiring is broken on so many different levels, and it starts right there, at the job offer description. It then continues all …
CareerHacker News
How did you land your first customer? How did/do you market yourself?
FreelanceI’m looking for opinions from nomads who’ve spend 2-3+ years traveling nomadically and then decided to put down …
Digital NomadThe Atlantic
When the whole world is fighting for the same jobs, what happens to workers?
Gig EconomyTechCrunch
Delta will later this year roll out facial recognition at its terminal at Atlanta International Airport for anyone traveling …
TravelThe Cut
In one of their experiments, the researchers forced employees at a consulting firm in Boston to take a day off — totally off, …
Life WorkTim Harford
We are hooked. Our devices can, at any moment, demand that we focus upon them by flashing, pinging or even vibrating …
When taken seriously, the Sabbath has the power to restructure not only the calendar but also the entire political economy. …
WorkThe Startup
We use the two interchangeably because we’ve been conditioned to think of them as the same state; someone who spends …
Millions of people use Airbnb when travelling but its popularity sometimes puts it at odds with locals. So, how do short-term …
TravelJames Clear
So what it is? What determines success? Hard work or good fortune? Effort or randomness? I think we all understand both …
WorkTriplebyte Blog
A company is its employees. How those employees interact with each other and what shared environment they create are among …
WorkAmbition & Balance - by Doist
To get more honest and realistic advice, I asked people who’ve actually made these kinds of big life changes — leaving …
Life Remote WorkWhat did you wish you knew (regarding planning/locations etc..) prior to setting off as a digital nomad?
Digital NomadThe New York Times
Should commuting hours count as part of the workday? The suggestion — sure to raise the hackles of employers everywhere — was …
Commuting WorkFast Company
As people struggle to make ends meet, fewer are saving for retirement, and fewer companies offer retirement accounts: 66% of …
Project Sunrise, as Qantas calls it, involves configuring an aircraft so that it can fly about 300 passengers and their …
TravelTim Harford
The Peter principle states that “every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence”. If someone is good …
WorkTim Harford
The Peter principle states that “every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence”. If someone is good …
WorkThe New York Times
The world’s most popular destinations cannot expand to accommodate an infinite flood of visitors. Advocates of curbing …
TravelHarvard Business Review
The news headlines about what perks or elements of office design make for a great employee experience seem to be dominated by …
WorkThe New York Times
The conventional wisdom is that morning people are high achievers, go-getters, while late risers are lazy. But what if going …
HealthSpiegel Online
Travel is no longer a luxury good. Airlines like Ryanair and EasyJet have contributed to a form of mass tourism that has made …
TravelNick Wignall
By procrastinating about the right things in the right way, you’re never really procrastinating. If you’d like to …
Productivity80,000 Hours
People who made a change on an important question gained 2.2 points of happiness out of 10, while those who made a change on …