Greg Kamradt
What I say to people who are looking for a job
I took a turn in my career, not a complete 180°, but around 60°. After I got my new role, I did a video explaining my process …
CareerGreg Kamradt
I took a turn in my career, not a complete 180°, but around 60°. After I got my new role, I did a video explaining my process …
CareerAmbition & Balance - by Doist
Hint: If you’re asking how to monitor your remote employees, you’re starting with the wrong question.
Remote WorkFelix Krause
Today one year ago I decided to get rid of my belongings and live out of a suitcase. It started as an experiment I …
Digital NomadI’m getting DEEP eyerolls when I tell folks from home I’m burnt out on travel, especially those with kids. But …
Digital NomadMedium
Confidence doesn’t have to be a zero sum game. When you know, love, and are at peace with who you are you can work …
LifeTracking Happiness
I have analyzed over 150 weeks of compiled personal data to answer one of the most frequently asked questions of all time: …
HappinessThe Wall Street Journal
Do you occasionally—or constantly—complain about how much you’re working? Of course you do. Complaining about too much …
WorkTom Critchlow
The benefits are strong - being in control of your own life in a really fundamental way continues to be deeply rewarding, …
Remote WorkI feel like that’s how some people react to it.
Digital NomadI miss working with people and want to go back to having office friends (at least for a while), but I am not sure on how to …
Career Digital NomadDEV
With my last tweet sent, I turn off my laptop, phone, and tablet. My Digital Sabbath begins in 10 minutes: no digital devices …
That said, multitasking isn’t efficient. We know there are costs of task switching. So that might be an argument to do …
WorkDavid Perell
The best opportunities are the ones you never expected. They’re serendipitous. Serendipity is a state of mind. …
For some, freelancing is a trampoline launching them toward the career they’ve been dreaming of. For others, it’s …
If you thought that proactively offering help to your co-workers was a good thing, think again. New workplace research from …
As a Remote Employee Experience Specialist at Shopify, my role is to keep a pulse on the employee experience of our more than …
Remote WorkBusiness Insider
“It’s about results, not where your IP address is,” Frein said. “We care about what you’re able …
Remote WorkThe Startup
The loud talker three desks down; constant taps on the shoulder; the guy who incessantly clicks his pen; the girl who eats a …
Often, when people talk about compensation—what to accept, what to reject, how to negotiate—the advice is “know your …
I call this “struggle porn”: a masochistic obsession with pushing yourself harder, listening to people tell you …
The Guardian
We check our phones every 12 minutes, often just after waking up. Always-on behaviour is harmful to long-term mental health, …
LifeCal Newport
Combined: the average daily time spent checking email is now 5.6 hours — up almost a half hour since 2017.
WorkWhat’s the most overrated / underrated place you’ve lived and worked in?
Digital Nomad TravelSam Altman
A small productivity gain, compounded over 50 years, is worth a lot. So it’s worth figuring out how to optimize …
ProductivityThe Atlantic
The more bosses try to keep track of their workers, the more precious time employees waste trying to evade them.
WorkThe Cooper Review
Thinking about working for yourself? Do it! But read this first
Freelance WorkThe Guardian
By far the biggest predictor of whether something gets done is whether it’s fun to do.
ProductivityJoshua Hu
Why I decided to take a sabbatical in my 20s, and what I’ve learned from having complete freedom. This post is not …
FreelancePierre-Gilles Leymarie
It’s already been one month since I’m working from Canggu, Bali. I wanted to write a blog post to give you a …
Digital Nomad