The creator of WordPress shares his secret to running the ultimate remote workplace
Matt Mullenweg, the company’s founder (his first name gives Automattic its two Ts) argues that a distributed workplace, …
Remote WorkQuartz
Matt Mullenweg, the company’s founder (his first name gives Automattic its two Ts) argues that a distributed workplace, …
Remote WorkOutside Online
Given all that, I’d deem the experiment a success. But would I live out of a van full-time? Absolutely not. Having a …
Digital NomadKevin von Horn
There are three reasons you should refuse to provide your references until after the interviews are over.
CareerOpen Blog
While I love working remotely and am so grateful to work with my amazing team, my biggest challenges are the moments of …
Remote WorkTripsavvy
Surprisingly, the TSA allows almost all food items through the security checkpoint, so long as none of them are liquids in …
TravelThe New York Times
You can see the gig economy everywhere but in the statistics.
Gig EconomyNoteworthy - The Journal Blog
This is not a story about wanderlust and being a digital nomad who has worked in 13 cities over the last 3 months. No, this …
Remote WorkHacker News
The question is simple - probably the answer is not: How do remote workers deal with taxes when working for a foreign …
Remote WorkQuartz
A recently published psychological study directly contradicts that approach, finding that contemporary meditation and yoga …
LifeAssociation for Psychological Science
“Our research shows that people’s sense of perfection is surprisingly modest,” says psychological scientist …
Very loosely, a bulls— job, by Graeber’s definition, is one that could be erased from the Earth and no one would …
WorkNomadic Matt
Inaction is the easiest action. Doing nothing takes less work than doing something. Then, when we start to feel guilty, we …
Life TravelI feel like this should be in the book of every person who wants to start this digital nomad lifestyle expecting all their …
Digital NomadBRIGHT Magazine
Tourism can destroy environments and drive out local residents. It’s time to rethink the purpose of travel.
Some topics we cover: why 8.5 hours of sleep is the new eight hours; the genes that dictate if you’re a morning person …
The belief that interests arrive fully formed and must simply be “found” can lead people to limit their pursuit …
Working remotely comes with great power and great responsibility. Here are a few tips on being efficient and productive.
Remote WorkThe Guardian
Whose utopia is this, when people have to sever emotional links and leave where they grew up to find dependable work?
Digital NomadMIT
The 2017-2018 MIT Career Development Handbook.
CareerThe Guardian
Kyoto is on frontline of clash that has spread to holiday lets, with restrictive law now in effect.
TravelMaclean's Magazine
A journalist argues the new climate has led to people without things like unemployment insurance, retirement savings and a …
Gig EconomyKinsta Blog
Whether its increasing commuting costs, the ability to control one’s time, or the freedom to pursue their passion, more …
Remote WorkCollaborative Fund
Let me tell you the story of two investors, neither of whom knew each other, but whose paths crossed in an interesting way.
Life MoneyDaniel Gross
There are things you want to do. There are things you need to do. Sometimes these are the same. This post is how to handle …
Life ProductivityPersonal Growth
The problem is, even if we are committed to working hard on our goals, our natural tendency is to revert back to our old …
LifeThe Atlantic
At a shiny new lab in Japan, an international team of scientists is trying to figure out what puts us under.
By putting my education into my own hands I was able to create incredible opportunities for myself.
Digital NomadThe New Yorker
For more and more people, work appears to serve no purpose. Is there any good left in the grind?
WorkBusiness Insider
Living abroad has plenty of incredible benefits including getting to travel to new places, meet new people, and try new …
You’ll be relieved to know that at least one company is trying to design a compact economy seat that is not a literal …