The New York Times
Are My Friends Really My Friends?
The quantity of human interactions has increased, but the quality is arguably diminished.
LifeThe New York Times
The quantity of human interactions has increased, but the quality is arguably diminished.
LifeThe Oatmeal
Why working at home is both awesome and horrible.
Remote WorkEvernote
Remote work isn’t just about your individual productivity. You’ve also got to figure out how to work together as …
Remote WorkABC Chicago
Industry experts say for every one legitimate “work-from-home job” that’s online, approximately 70 more are …
Remote WorkChicago Tribune
I get asked about work-life balance all the time. And my view is, that’s a debilitating phrase because it implies …
Work-Life BalanceThe Wall Street Journal
Automation is leading to job growth in certain industries where machines take on repetitive tasks, freeing humans for more …
Future of WorkThe Guardian
From microchip implants to wristband trackers and sensors that can detect fatigue and depression, new technology is enabling …
WorkThe Guardian
Estonia’s nomad visa and space-age digital infrastructure are set to make Tallinn more attractive to …
Digital NomadHacker News
I’m trying to learn more about remote work to find better opportunities than what is available to me locally. Where …
Remote WorkThe Economist
The human race is exhausting itself with noise and longs for its opposite—whether in the wilds, on the wide ocean or in some …
LifeJustin Mares
The biggest key to successful side hustles that i’ve seen? understanding that you’re not starting a startup. Get …
Side ProjectTim Harford
We should weigh opportunity costs with some care, mentally balancing any expenditure of time or money against what we might …
When a company adjusts pay based on a remote employee’s location, what they explicitly saying is that “Your …
Remote WorkThe Cut
“A transition can be exciting but it’s a disruption of routine, and a disruption always involves an adaptation. …
LifeOpen Blog
We’re a fully remote team and have been since our start. We’ve also known the importance of meeting in person …
Remote WorkThe Guardian
Copying and pasting emails. Inventing meaningless tasks for others. Just looking busy. Why do so many people feel their work …
WorkDigital nomads who stopped wandering—where’d you settle?
Digital NomadInc.
The jury was out on the productivity effect of working from home. It has returned with a surprising verdict.
Productivity Remote WorkRescueTime Blog
You only have 1 hour and 12 minutes of uninterrupted productive time a day.
ProductivityHarvard Business Review
No matter how well you plan, times will come up where work and family commitments come head-to-head. These situations rarely …
Work-Life BalanceBBC
We tend to decry being alone. But emerging research suggests some potential benefits to being a loner – including for our …
LifeACM Interactions
For those who are always challenging themselves and who are facing hard problems, some level of uncertainty is inevitable. …
Life WorkForbes
Keeping remote workers from feeling neglected should be top of mind for every entrepreneur with remote team members — not …
Remote WorkWORK: A Guide
In a creative setting, you simply cannot by words alone expect to convince a person to do something they don’t want to …
WorkScott Berkun
Even when a remote experiment is done, and it fails, often it’s the remote worker, or the very idea of remote work, …
Remote WorkNautilus
Questions of pleasure and desire go right to the core of what being a human in the world is all about.
Search #digitalnomad on Instagram and you’ll see photos of people who’ve swapped their desks for hammocks, get …
Digital NomadMcKinsey & Company
As the automation of physical and knowledge work advances, many jobs will be redefined rather than eliminated—at least in the …
Future of WorkGrowthLab
When people hear my story of working around the world, they almost always tell me that they’d too love to leave the …
Digital NomadThe New York Times
“Every time you have a meal, get accommodations or do activities, you can have a positive impact just by …