
The best articles, stories, and big ideas about digital nomads, remote work, and the future of work from across the web, sorted chronologically. Since 2015, we've curated 5285 articles, written by 5779 authors from 1244 publishers.

Slava Akhmechet

How to get promoted

Almost everyone who does great work toils in relative obscurity. Performance reviews are social fiction. How do people really …


Beyond Bare Hands

How to take meeting notes

I do not take notes during the meeting. I’ve tried this many times and always found it to be distracting. I …


Elisabeth Irgens

To All The Jobs I Had Before

My career as a developer started 5 years ago. Before that I have 15 years work experience from other roles, and I’ve …


Bharath's notes

Laid off, now what?

As an immigrant on an H1B, you have exactly 60 days to find a new job when you are laid-off. This is a very short window of …



Remote-first at Brex

Six months after COVID-19 started, Henrique and I decided to make Brex a remote-first company. We wrote this memo to our team …

Remote Work

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